Step by Step: How to Apply for Your SPSV Vehicle Licence in Ireland

Roof sign

People who have obtained an SPSV Driver Licence to drive a taxi, limousine, or hackney in Ireland are entitled to apply for an SPSV Vehicle Licence and use their own vehicle to carry passengers. Some people prefer to rent a vehicle first and after a few months, when they have further knowledge on the industry, use their own car as a Small Public Service Vehicle.

The vehicle that will be used must also have an SPSV Licence. Currently, the National Transport Authority (NTA) are only issuing licences to wheelchair accessible taxis, wheelchair accessible hackneys, and limousines.

There are several requirements a vehicle must meet so it can be licenced, and it is not a simple process if you don`t get all necessary information before starting. When you finish reading this article hopefully you will have a complete understanding on how to apply for your SPSV Vehicle Licence and what types of automobiles can be licenced.

Before you continue, make sure you know how to obtain an SPSV Driver Licence as you will have to go through that process before applying for a vehicle licence.

The Right Vehicle

SPSV Vehicle Licences are granted by the National Transport Authority (NTA). There are six categories of vehicle licences:

- Taxi (new licences not currently available)

- Wheelchair accessible taxi (maximum age: 6 years)

- Hackney (new licences not currently available)

- Wheelchair accessible hackney (maximum age: 6 years)

- Local area hackney (maximum age: 10 years)

- Limousine (no age limit)

The first step to be taken is to make sure that you have chosen the right vehicle to operate as an SPSV. Check out the NTA`s Suitable Vehicle List and the Guidance for Limousine Vehicle Choice. An SPSV can carry a maximum of eight passengers.

A vehicle can be licenced in only one category at a time. The licence is granted only to the person who is the registered owner of the vehicle or is legally entitled to its use and possession.

Licence Fees

Once you have chosen your vehicle and made sure it is in accordance with the NTA`s requirements, you must fill out the VL1 form (click here to download it) and pay the relevant Licence fee, as follows:

You can pay the relevant fee by ringing the NTA on 0818 064 000 and informing your credit/debit card details or with a bank draft or a postal order.

The completed VL1 Form and the receipt you have received from the NTA after payment must be sent to the following address:

National Transport Authority

City North Business Park

If the application is approved, you will be sent a Conditional Offer Letter by the NTA. That letter is valid for 90 days during which you must complete the remaining steps of your application.

The Conditional Offer Letter is not a licence that allows you to operate the vehicle as an SPSV. For taxis, the provisional licence number on this letter is needed for programming the taximeter and purchasing the matching roof sign and taxi branding.

The next step is to ensure the vehicle is equipped in accordance with SPSV regulations. According to the NTA, “all SPSVs are required to carry fire extinguisher, first aid kit, advance-warning triangle, torch and pen and paper. Taxis must have a taximeter and printer installed and calibrated, a regulation roof sign, and carry the approved taxi branding.”

Initial Suitability Inspection

Continuing your application for an SPSV Vehicle Licence it is time to focus on the Initial Suitability Inspection, that demands the following documents:

- Original certificate of insurance in the identically spelled name of the prospective licence holder specifying that the vehicle is covered for use as an SPSV

- NCT certificate for the vehicle you propose to license, issued within 90 days of the date of your inspection appointment

- Technical Assessor’s Report if relevant (only for a wheelchair accessible vehicle or a limousine licence relating to a modified vehicle)

Then you can ring the NTA on 0818 064 000 to book your Initial Suitability Inspection. The fee is €45 for wheelchair accessible taxis, wheelchair accessible hackneys, and limousines. There is no Initial Suitability Inspection on Local Area Hackneys. The SPSV Vehicle Licence will be granted if the vehicle is approved in the Initial Suitability Inspection.


At the time of writing this text, grants from the NTA are available for the purchase of wheelchair accessible vehicles and electric vehicle. Check with the NTA if they are still available.

Licence Renewal

An SPSV Vehicle Licence is usually valid for 12 months, except for vehicles that are over 10 years old, that have the SPSV Vehicle Licence valid for 6 months.

The Licence can be renewed up to 60 days before its expiry date. Bookings can be made by phone with the NTA on 0818 064 000. Before you book your SPSV Vehicle Licence renewal, you will need to have the original certificate of insurance in the name of the prospective licence holder, the NCT certificate issued within 90 days of the date of your inspection appointment, and Technical Assessor’s Basic Report (only if your vehicle has been modified since its last inspection).

Renewal costs are as follows:

Late renewals (up to 24 months after the expiry date) cost €500 for all categories of SPSV. It is not possible to renew a vehicle licence that has expired for more than 24 months.

Driving a vehicle as an SPSV without a valid SPSV Vehicle Licence is a criminal offense and the penalty is up to €5,000.


To wrap it up, here is a summary on the process to obtain your SPSV Vehicle Licence:

1 - Make sure you have chosen the right vehicle (Check out the NTA`s Suitable Vehicle List and the Guidance for Limousine Vehicle Choice).

2 - Fill out the VL1 Form and pay the licence fee to the NTA.

3 - Post the VL1 Form and the receipt to National Transport Authority, PO Box 436, City North Business Park, Tuam Road, Galway.

4 - If the application is approved, the NTA will send you a Conditional Offer Letter, valid for 90 days.

5 - Ensure the vehicle is equipped in accordance with SPSV regulations. All SPSVs are required to carry fire extinguisher, first aid kit, advance-warning triangle, torch and pen and paper. Taxis must have a taximeter and printer installed and calibrated, a regulation roof sign, and carry the approved taxi branding.

6 - Book your Initial Suitability Test with the NTA.

7 - Your SPSV Vehicle Licence is issued.

That is all. Just like when you are applying for your SPSV Driver Licence, we recommend you do it step by step so the whole process can run smoothly and efficiently.

If you need support in preparing for your SPSV Exam, Taxischool have the right course available for you. Contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Posted by Taxischool on 01/03/2021 - Latest update: 02/06/2023

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