Solar Bonus Scheme 44c feed-in tariff

The Solar Bonus Scheme offering a 44 cent per kilowatt-hour feed-in tariff is not available to new customers.

If you currently receive this tariff rate (and maintain your eligibility) you will receive this rate until its expiry date on 1 July 2028.

See market feed-in tariffs in South East Queensland and the feed-in tariff for regional customers for current feed-in tariff rates.

How to maintain your eligibility

To maintain eligibility for the 44 cent feed-in tariff, you need to:

You will lose eligibility for the 44 cent feed-in tariff if you:

Eligibility when moving or renting your house

If you are selling or renting your house and there is a new electricity account holder, the new owner or tenant will not receive the 44 cent feed-in tariff unless the new owner or tenant is your spouse. They will have to speak to their electricity retailer to organise a new feed-in tariff.

You can't take your system with you and continue to receive the same feed-in tariff.

Selling or renting a house with a small solar power system

The feed-in tariff is paid to the customer who holds the electricity account for the premises. If your property was rented when you applied for the 44 cent feed-in tariff and your tenant held the electricity account at that time, the tenant will receive the feed-in tariff.

If you rent the property to a new tenant (which results in the name on the electricity account changing) the eligibility for the 44 cent feed-in tariff will lapse from the date when the account name changes.

Selling or renting a house with a large solar power system outside South East Queensland

If you operate a system of greater than 5 kilowatts, and you live outside South East Queensland and your electricity is supplied by Ergon Energy, changing the electricity account over to anyone other than your spouse means that the 44 cent feed-in tariff lapses.

The new owner or tenant should discuss a feed-in tariff with their electricity retailer when they set up their electricity account for the property.

Lost your eligibility?

In some circumstances, name changes on an electricity account may cause you to be removed from the Solar Bonus Scheme in error. Check your electricity bill after any account changes to ensure the correct feed-in tariff is applied.

If you believe this has happened, contact your electricity distributor for a review.

If you have been removed from the 44 cent per kilowatt-hour feed-in tariff incorrectly, the distributor will restore and backdate the tariff.

Several changes have been made to the Solar Bonus Scheme since it began in 2008. The Solar Bonus Scheme guideline (PDF, 882.8 KB) provides information about the history and rules of the 44 cent feed-in tariff.

If something goes wrong

Find out your rights and who to contact if something goes wrong with your solar power.

Last updated: 12 March 2024