Plant transcription factors classification

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Browse by Family
AP2 (4461) ARF (4578) ARR-B (2354) B3 (10609) BBR-BPC (1256)
BES1 (1549) C2H2 (17740) C3H (9693) CAMTA (1343) CO-like (2125)
CPP (1612) DBB (1651) Dof (5655) E2F/DP (1781) EIL (1234)
ERF (21129) FAR1 (7527) G2-like (9874) GATA (5335) GRAS (9304)
GRF (1876) GeBP (1564) HB-PHD (477) HB-other (2277) HD-ZIP (8602)
HRT-like (249) HSF (4574) LBD (7216) LFY (253) LSD (957)
M-type_MADS (7541) MIKC_MADS (6918) MYB (22032) MYB_related (15369) NAC (19997)
NF-X1 (403) NF-YA (2461) NF-YB (3099) NF-YC (2446) NZZ/SPL (109)
Nin-like (2766) RAV (690) S1Fa-like (359) SAP (164) SBP (4168)
SRS (1327) STAT (214) TALE (4433) TCP (4187) Trihelix (6256)
VOZ (635) WOX (2358) WRKY (14549) Whirly (530) YABBY (1719)
ZF-HD (2589) bHLH (28698) bZIP (15498)
How to Cite:

Tian F, Yang DC, Meng YQ, Jin JP and Gao G. (2019). PlantRegMap: charting functional regulatory maps in plants. Nucleic Acids Research, gkz1020.

Jin JP, Tian F, Yang DC, Meng YQ, Kong L, Luo JC and Gao G. (2017). PlantTFDB 4.0: toward a central hub for transcription factors and regulatory interactions in plants. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(D1):D1040-D1045.