Use and Care Manual

appliance fail to operate p roperly, re turn the appli ance with y our sales recei pt to the stor e where pur chased.

If you use y our appliance f or household us e and accor ding to instru ctions, it sho uld give you y ears of

satisfactory service. Th is product w arranty cov ers onl y the original consumer purc hase of the product.


To guarante e repair or repl acement w ithout charge, a dated sale s receipt s howing purcha se within th e

limited warranty period* must accompany the appliance. Without a sal es receipt, w arranty w ill be estimated

according to the applianc e's manufactu red date. A comparable ap pliance shoul d arrive w ithin 2-3 weeks.

However, in case an appli ance is not c overed by warranty, corres pondence o ffering altern atives will b e

mailed to you.

During the limited one-year w arranty perio d, a product with a defect will be either repaired o r replaced w ith

a comparable r econditioned m odel (at our option) when the product is r eturned to ou r Service Cente r. (See

the “Returns” s ection below ). The repair ed or replace ment product will be in w arranty for the remaining

balance of th e limited on e-year warranty period and an additiona l one-month ( 30 day) pe riod. This limited warrant y covers appliances purchase d and used within the 48 contiguous states plus Alaska, Ha waii and the Dist rict of Co lumbia and does N OT cover: - Damages cause d by unreaso nable use, n eglect, normal w ear and tea r, commercial us e, improper assembly or in stallation of product. - Damages cause d in shipping. - Damages cause d by replaceme nt or resettin g of house fu ses or circui t breakers. - Defects oth er than man ufacturing defects. - Breakage cau sed by misuse, abuse, accid ent, alterat ion, lack of proper care and maintenance, or incorrect cur rent or voltag e. - Lost or missi ng parts of t he product . Parts will nee d to be pur chased separa tely. - Damages of par ts that ar e not electric al; for ex ample: cracked o r broken plas tic or glass. - Damage from s ervice or repa ir by unautho rized personn el. - Extended w arranties pur chased via a separate comp any or resell er. - Consumer’ s remorse is not an accept able reas on to return a product t o our Service C enter.

*The consumer is respons ible for an y delivery charges for all r eplacement units prov ided for exchan ge

under the w arranty.

RETURNS : Any return of de fective mercha ndise to the manuf acturer must be processed accordingly by

contacting cust omer service fir st to obtain an RA # (Return Authorizati on Number). We will not accept any

returns of m erchandise with out an applica ble RA #.

We cannot a ssume respo nsibility for loss or damag es to produ cts returned t o us during i ncoming shipme nt.

For your pro tection, alway s carefully pa ckage the pr oduct for shi pment and ins ure with the carrier. Be sure

to enclose th e following it ems with your return: any accessori es related t o the problem, y our full addr ess

and daytime ph one number, a note describi ng the problem, a copy of th e dated sales r eceipt or ot her proof

of purchase and a v alid RA#. C.O.D ship ments cannot be accepted.

*One Year Limi ted Warranty valid only in the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii and the District of

Columbia , excluding Puerto Rico and the V irgin Islan ds.

This warranty is effectiv e only if the product is purc hased and o perated in t he USA; produ ct usage whic h is