50 human resources survey questions for your company questionnaires

50 human resources survey questions for your company questionnaires

Understanding every employee in an organization can be a hard task for large corporations. But the link between employee experience and the success of a particular company is parallel. For this reason, without making this feedback collection hard and complicated, do we have a better way? With the correct human resource survey questions of forms.app, your HR team can easily collect the necessary feedback to improve the working environment.

In this article, you will learn what a human resource survey is, what are the different types of HR surveys, and you can find examples of HR survey questions to use in your surveys. You can also learn how to create an HR survey with forms.app and what are the easy steps to create and publish them in the end.

What are human resources surveys?

Human resource surveys are evaluations of employee happiness and their opinions about the workplace and workflow. These types of surveys aim to gather employee feedback and insight on how to improve the working environment and how can overall job satisfaction can be improved.

After HR departments gather the results together to identify areas of improvement, they can make well-planned future plans and strategies to improve the employee experience. Since employees understand that their opinions have an impact on future plans and strategies, they may feel motivated, and this can result in employee retention as well.

In conclusion, with a well-prepared set of questions, corporations can improve their employee benefits, company culture, and communication among team members, and it will directly affect employees’ career development as well.

Types of HR surveys

Human resource surveys are the perfect way for organizations to gather information about their employees’ perspectives. You can gather their opinions on different aspects with different types of HR surveys such as employee engagement surveys, work environment surveys, job satisfaction surveys, performance surveys, 360-degree feedback surveys, and others. You can measure their satisfaction with the right human resources satisfaction survey questions. Here are some different HR survey types.

50 amazing question examples for human resources surveys

forms.app gathered 50 amazing question examples for different types of surveys for you to start immediately. With these well-rounded survey questions, you can create better surveys and get effective results. With the right methods and the use of different form fields, you can create perfect surveys without any coding knowledge. Here are 50 amazing human resources employee survey questions.

Recruitment survey questions

1 - How satisfied are you with the recruitment process?

2 - Were you well-informed about the company and the role during the recruitment process?

3 - How satisfied are you with the support provided during the first few weeks on the job?

4 - On a scale of 1 to 5, would you recommend the company to others as a good place to work?

5 - Do you consider the hiring managers and recruiters helpful and responsive during the recruitment process?

6 - How did you learn about the open position at our company?

7 - Do you think there are improvement areas when it comes to the recruitment process?

8 - Could you give us feedback on improving our recruitment process?

Employee onboarding survey questions

9 - How would you rate the onboarding experience?

10 - Was there enough support and resources available to help you adjust to your new role and responsibilities?

11 - Would you recommend the company’s onboarding process to others as a positive experience?

12 - Were your expectations for the role met during the onboarding process?

13 - How satisfied are you with your knowledge of our company policies and procedures?

14 - Did you get the right equipment and access to resources to work effectively?

15 - How well do you understand your role and responsibilities?

16 - How can we improve the onboarding process?

Employee experience survey questions

17 - How would you rate the overall work environment at this company?

18 - How well does the company support work-life balance?

19 - Do you feel supported and respected by your colleagues?

20 - Are your opinions and ideas valued and considered in the decision-making process?

21 - Are you satisfied with the company’s approach to health and safety?

22 - Do you think you are offered enough chances to get promotions?

23 - Are you comfortable expressing your opinions and providing feedback to your manager?

24 - How well do the company handle conflicts and disputes within the workplace?

25 - Are the company's expectations and goals for employee performance clear and achievable?

26 - Are there any areas of improvement that could be implemented to improve the workplace?

27 - Do you have any suggestions for boosting the morale of employees in the office?

Employee satisfaction survey questions

28 - How satisfied are you with your role in the company?

29 - Are you satisfied with the salary?

30 - Are you provided with opportunities for professional development and growth?

31 - Are your workload and schedule manageable?

32 - How satisfied are you with the company's communication and transparency?

33 - What do you like most about working for this company?

34 - What do you like least about working here?

Employee performance survey questions

35 - How well do you consider your performance in your current role?

36 - Do you think your contribution is recognized by the company and get rewarded for good performance?

37 - Are you given opportunities to take on new challenges?

38 - What do you think about the workload and pace of your role?

39 - How do you feel about your current level of responsibility and authority in your role?

40 - Do you receive regular feedback on your performance from your manager?

41 - How well do you communicate and collaborate with your team and relative departments?

42 - Do you consider your suggestions to be appreciated and considered?

Employee exit survey questions

43 - What was the primary reason for leaving the company?

44 - Is there any possible way to retain you?

45 - What additional feedback or comments can you provide us that can prevent further employee exits?

46 - Did you think your pay was reasonable and equitable compared to other employees in similar positions?

47 - Were there any instances where you felt the business or management team didn't assist you?

48 - What factors influenced your decision to look for better opportunities?

49 - What are the major challenges you have dealt with during working with us?

50 - On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied were you with your job duties and responsibilities?

Why conduct HR surveys? (and when)

Conducting an HR survey can be valuable for several reasons. You can optimize company culture, employee satisfaction, payments, benefits, and workflow and improve the employee experience. Depending on the specific goal and aim of the company, timing also can be crucial too. Conducting annually or twice a year can be a good idea to improve employee morale and motivation. You can also conduct an online survey following specific changes and implementations. In short list these are the advantages of conducting a survey:

How to create a Human Resources survey

Using forms.app, you can easily create and customize your human resource survey for free. With many features, you can add multiple layers to your surveys and achieve professional and eye-pleasing surveys without coding knowledge. Create your surveys, edit form fields, and customize your design. After adjusting general settings, you are ready to publish and share your HR survey. To create a human resource survey, all you have to do is follow these 5 easy steps:

  1. Choose a template: forms.app offers you many pre-made forms, surveys, or quiz templates to get started right away. Alternatively, you might just start from scratch and develop your human resource survey.
  2. Edit your form fields: You can edit and personalize your form fields however you like to make them entirely suitable for your HR survey. You can include a drop-down selection field, an opinion scale, a star rating, a single selection, multiple selections, long text, short text, and other fields.
  3. Customize the design: To create an eye-pleasing HR survey, you can choose from themes and change your colors to match your brand.
  4. Adjust your general settings: You can check your notification settings and add a welcome and thank you page,s or integrations with third-party applications.
  5. Publish and share: You can easily embed your HR survey to your website, share a link or use sharing options to share it with social media.

In conclusion, creating a human resources survey is an easy task with forms.app. Using these questions, you can easily create and customize your survey to match your needs. Following these steps and using these questions will help you to create perfect surveys for you and your company. Here are the human resource survey templates you can use: